Author: Bazza

Daily Echo Curtain Call Awards

We are thrilled to announce that, today in the Daily Echo, we discovered that our May production of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ has been nominated for three awards in the Daily Echo Curtain Call Awards.

Peter Burton for ‘Best Director of a Shakespeare Play’, James Gould for ‘Best Actor in a Shakespeare Play’ for his performance as ‘Benedick’ and Kate Robbins for ‘Best Actress in a Shakespeare Play’ for her performance as ‘Beatrice’.

For full details of all the nominations, please consult the Daily Echo’s website.  Well done to everyone connected with ‘Much Ado About Nothing’!

Spelthorne and Runnymede Drama Festival

While many of the Players were busy with ‘The 39 Steps’, a small group were busy rehearsing an original one-act play, ‘Nothing you can Say’, written by our own Peter Yates.

The play was performed at the Spelthorne and Runnymede Drama Festival in Sunbury on Thames last week, and it received very positive comments from adjudicator Jan Palmer Sayer.

We’re delighted to report that Peter Yates subsequently won the award for “Best Original Play”, and Lewis Pickles won the “Adjudicator’s Award” for his direction of the play. Congratulations both!!! Congratulations also to Ruby Joy, who was nominated as “Most Promising Youth Player”, Kevin Bowers, nominated as “Best Supporting Player”, Naomi Scott, nominated as “Best Actress” and Andrew Craddock, nominated as “Best Actor”.